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Monday, June 13, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog?

Tis the question I need to answer if my blog posts are going to be more than a month apart!

Some of my favorite cycling bloggers have apparently walked away from a presence on the web...others clearly struggle like I do with issues of time, interest, topics and audience. This was mainly meant to be a training to the public for attempt to add some accountability. It's not like I lack for topics as it's my journal and I continue to ride...and I have dozens of post ideas jotted down on multiple pieces of paper floating around my office, home and backpack. I guess it's time and interest.

Speaking of riding, my miles as shown in the side-bar are meager so far this year but I keep plugging away. In fact, last week I hit a milestone of sorts...I surpassed my meager total from all of last year. Not a huge accomplishment but one I truly hope to build on.

I think I'll keep blogging. This year still holds a lot of potential for some great riding. I want to document that if it comes to fruition! :)


Bryan said...

Congrats on the mileage.

I also struggle at times to keep my blog updated as other things always seems to get in the way.

karen said...

I struggle too, it's mostly time for me. But I find the more I blog, the more I ride, one feeds the other. Keep it goin'!
--Karen of SCAG

Glenn_in_MA said...

Hey Bryan...good job on your recent century effort!

Karen, I'm going to keep that in mind...more blogging = more riding!
Thanks for the Rudy Project info...perhaps my next blog post.

Paul said...

Glenn,I find that if I ride, I Blog. I don't do Facebook,so if somebody wants to know what's going on with me,check my Blog out.

Scott said...

Although our riding choices may differ, I think we share some things in common. For me the therapy is not only in the experience. Expressing, thinking,sharing. Other peoples words and pictures have been really helpful to me. Keep riding, writing,Taking pictures! Looking forward to your next post!

Glenn_in_MA said...

@herringbone Thanks for the visit...wandered onto your blog from Velophoria. Don't think I'll ever blog as poetically as you guys or snap those perfect photos, but it sure is nice to have lofty standards to shoot for! Enjoyed "The Water Cycle"